So I was doing my web design course tonight, while watching Buffy and eating that new Cadbury's stuff with popping candy in it (fatal error) and I kept daydreaming and thinking I should update my blog, as it's been a while. I keep meaning to upload a sketch I did while travelling, in Nepal. It's one which is one of my favourites and took a fair while to draw and I couldn't think what to say about it.
I like it anyway and I remember sitting on a hill, looking down at the market place, sat with my Danish friend Rikke and all the villagers kept hiking up this uber steep hill and occasionally would come over and stare at us and say something in Nepalese, as they tend to do. They must have wondered what the hell we were doing there, and why we were drawing - not much need for it in Solukhumbhu, it's all about necessity. We saw the high llama of the local monastery, who we'd had tea with and he came and said hello and we exchanged as much of our mutual languages as we could and smiled. There was an extremely old man leading up a line of over packed cows, who strolled up the incline like going down to the corner shop for a paper. (It was an hour and a half walk to the town from where we were staying!) Another guy, with a tiny cute baby stopped and spoke to us, he was a teacher, I recall and, as everyone, seemed to have some extremely specific link to why he spoke English, which he explained and I can't remember. Anyway, it was a very pleasant way to spend an hour or so in the sun, especially to reminisc upon from the cold and trudge of Woking.
Whenever I see someone I assume to be Nepalese in Woking it makes me think back to Salleri fondly. Them being here and me being there, and the extreme opposites in which people live.
Anyway, so how this tenuously relates to code is that I was thinking about how everything seems to be some sort of code these days. Everyone knows some sort of code and I should probably learn to but I just want to draw a pretty picture. The guy who was our guide in the mountains in Nepal was this old man called Dambare Sherpa. He is like the Gandalf of the mountains, very quiet, wise, smily, calm and knows something about everything. He definitely wondered what the hell we were doing there when we arrived! If anyone is interested, this is a link to the video my friend Rikke made of our adventures, which gives you some idea as to what it was like :D I just watched it and it brings tears to my eyes still.
Dambare had a small computer shop in the market place, probably smaller than your wardrobe, rammed full of all sorts of things, including lots of mobile phones and bits of computers and wires. I don't know how it was powered, as they only had electricity for about 4 hours a day and after that it switches off and you get your torch out. Dambare was the IT guru there who could fix anything. I have no idea how he learnt it, or where from but I have a lot of respect for him. I don't know how he did it. I'm sitting here plodding through my web design course, wondering if I'll ever actually be employed to do something meaningful and he is so happy in his tiny shop and has accomplished so much. I was becoming disillusioned today and now I realise I should just shut up whinging and get on with it. If I can climb a bloody mountain in the Himalayas I can damn well learn some HTML.